The Navy is holding a virtual town hall meeting Saturday, Dec. 4, from 11 a.m. to noon on the Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam Facebook page ( to provide up-to-date information on the ongoing water issue. Please email questions to


The Navy has detected petroleum products in the Red Hill well, which has been isolated since Sunday. The samples were taken on Monday and sent to a certified laboratory on the mainland.

The Navy took 14 samples on Monday throughout its water distribution system, focusing on affected areas. Thirteen of these results came back negative for the petroleum hydrocarbon testing conducted.  The one result that had a detection of petroleum hydrocarbons was at the Navy’s Red Hill well. The results  of the Red Hill sample showed petroleum hydrocarbons roughly four to ten times below the Hawaii Department of Health Environmental Action Level (EAL). The Navy had a separate test that confirmed vapors, which is another indication of petroleum hydrocarbons.

Now with multiple indications that the source has been identified and isolated, the Navy is developing a plan to restore the potable water system to EPA standards, identify how this contaminant got in the well, and fix the well.

The tests results (see sample results) showed that the Waiawa well’s water quality remains safe for use, meeting Hawaii Department of Health and federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards.

Based on the findings, the Navy will work with DOH to revise the public health guidance and develop the way ahead so our families and other impacted people can return to a normal life with a safe, reliable water source.

The Navy’s priority is keeping Sailors, civilians, their families, and all of those who live and work on Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam property and who use the Navy’s water safe and healthy. 

The Navy continues to monitor and aggressively investigate and will update residents and other stakeholders via a variety of means, including social media, housing portals, the Navy Region Hawaii resource page (, command ombudsmen, command leadership, and other methods. 

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